Статья добавлена 13 июля 2009, в понедельник, в 21:38. С того момента...
3777 |
просмотров |
0 | добавлений в избранное |
0 | комментариев |
Представлена в разделах:
126 сайтов, о которых нужно знать

Сайты, которые обязан хоть раз в жизни посетить каждый пользователь.
1 | 11 | 43= |
Twitter Microblogging tool: FH |
83 |
2 | 1 | 2 |
Delicious Social bookmarking tool: FH |
53.5 |
3 | 3 | 7= |
Google Reader RSS / Feed reader: FH |
44 |
4 |
5 | 6 |
Wordpress |
34.5 |
5 |
18 | 22= |
YouTube |
32.5 |
6= |
7 | 14 |
Google Docs Web-based documents: FH |
32 |
20 | 31= |
Slideshare Hosting presentations: FH |
32 |
8 |
6 | 3= |
Search Web search tool: FH |
31 |
9 |
4 | 3= |
Skype Instant messaging/VoIP: FD |
30 |
10 |
8 | 5 |
PowerPoint Presentation software: ЈD |
27 |
11 |
2 | 1 |
Firefox |
26 |
12= |
12 | 11 |
Audacity Sound editor and recorder: FD |
25 |
16 | 31= |
Ning Social networking platforms: FH |
25 |
14 |
10 | 9 |
Blogger/Blogspot Blogging tool: FH |
24 |
15 |
15 | 16 |
flickr Photo storage/sharing site: FH |
22 |
16 |
25 | 22= |
Articulate Presenter/Engage/ Quizmaker |
19 |
17= |
26= | 50= |
Studio Screencasting tool: ЈD |
18 |
9 | 12= |
Moodle Course mgt system: FD |
18 |
21 | 26= |
SnagIt Screen capture tool: ЈD |
18 |
20= |
27 | 17= |
Adobe Captivate Demo and scenario tool: ЈD |
17 |
14 | 7= |
Gmail Web-based email: FH |
17 |
22 |
26= | - |
Jing Screen captures/ casting tool: FD |
15.5 |
23 |
23 | 101= |
VoiceThread Collaborative slideshows |
15 |
24= |
35= | 72= |
diigo Social annotation site: FH |
14 |
- | - |
Prezi Presentation software |
14 |
59= | 50= |
Adobe Photoshop Photo/Image editing tools |
14 |
27 |
- | - |
Evernote Note taking tool: FH |
13 |
28= |
iPhone/iPod Touch + apps | 12 | ||
13 | 26= |
Wikipedia Collaborative encyclopedia: FH |
12 |
30 |
17 | 17= |
iGoogle Personalised start page: FH |
11.5 |
31= |
38= | 43= |
Flash Animation authoring tool: ЈD |
11 |
35= | 43= |
PBworks (prev
PBwiki) Wiki tool: FH |
11 |
33= |
Blog(s)/Blogging |
10 |
38= | 31= |
LinkedIn Professional social network |
10 |
19 | 15 |
Wikispaces Wiki tool: FH |
10 |
36 |
- | - |
Tweetdeck Desktop Twitter client |
9.5 |
37= |
50= | 50= |
Elluminate Web meeting/ conferencing: F/ЈH |
9 |
28 | 26= |
iTunes/iTunes U Music and podcast player: FD |
9 |
39= |
66= | 72= |
Connect Web meeting/ conferencing: ЈH |
8 |
- | - |
Dimdim Web meeting/conferencing: FH |
8 |
24 | 17= |
Facebook Social networking site: FH |
8 |
Wikis and wiki tools | 8 | |||
131= | - |
Wordle Word cloud generator |
8 | |
44= |
59= | 72= |
Edublogs Educational blogging tool |
7.5 |
22 | 10 |
Word Word processing software: ЈD |
7.5 |
46= |
- | - |
animoto Create videos from your images |
7 |
131= | - |
Lectora Course authoring tool: ЈD |
7 |
37 | 26= |
Netvibes Personalised start page: FH |
7 |
49= |
44= | 26= |
Dreamweaver Web authoring tool: ЈD |
6 |
131= | 40= |
Elgg Social media/learning platform: FD |
6 |
- | - |
Flip Digital camcorder: Ј |
6 |
52= |
83 | 101= |
Bubbl.us Online mindmapping tool |
5 |
59= | - |
Garageband Personal recording studio |
5 |
66= | 101= |
Google Apps All things Google |
5 |
29 | 36= |
Calendar Web-based calendar: FH |
5 |
40= | 40= |
Earth Satellite and aerial imagery: FD |
5 |
65= | 72= |
Keynote Presentation software: ЈD |
5 |
58 |
38= | 17= |
Outlook Email client ЈD |
4.5 |
59= |
4 |
- | - |
Glogster Make an interactive poster |
4 |
- | - |
Chrome Web browser |
4 | |
66= | - |
iMovie Video editing software: ЈD |
4 |
131= | - |
Picnik Photo editing tool |
4 | |
54= | 101= |
SecondLife Virtual world application: FH |
4 |
44= | - |
Wetpaint Wiki tool: FH |
4 | |
131= | - |
Webex Web conferencing tool: ЈH |
4 | |
67= |
30= | 12= |
Bloglines RSS/Feed reader: FH |
3.5 |
54= | 101= |
Friendfeed Discover what others are sharing |
3.5 |
76= | 57= |
TeacherTube Instructional video sharing site |
3.5 |
70= | 59= | 72= |
Acrobat Pro Create and control PDF documents |
3 |
103= | 57= |
Adobe Fireworks Image editor |
3 |
- | - |
Cirip Micro-blogging platform |
3 |
54= | 50= |
Freemind Mind mapping tool: FD |
3 |
- | - |
GoAnimate Cartoon and animation creator |
3 |
72= | 131= |
Notepad++ Text and HTML editor: FD |
3 | |
103= | 72= |
Paintshop Pro Image editing software |
3 |
Paper and pencils |
3 |
- | - |
Photopeach Create slideshows |
3 |
- | - |
Sharepoint MS Intranet portal and collaboration environment |
3 |
131= | - |
Sony Vegas
Video Video editing software: ЈD |
3 | |
54= | - |
Monkey Survey and questionnaire tool |
3 |
82= |
- | 101= |
NetNewsWire RSS/Feed reader: FH |
2.5 |
- | - |
Screencastle Online screencasting tool |
2.5 |
84 - 122
Current ranking in 2009 |
2008 | 2007 |
Tool |
# |
84= |
80= | 72= |
Reader PDF Reader |
2 |
83= | 72= |
Presenter PowerPoint-based e-learning tool |
2 |
103= | - |
ClassTools Create Flash-based learning: FD |
2 |
- | - |
Backpack Group calendar, small business organiser |
2 |
66= | - |
Basecamp Track and manage projects: ЈH |
2 |
103= | - |
ClassTools Create Flash-based learning: FD |
2 |
103= | - |
ComicLife Create comics |
2 |
- | - |
CoverItLive Live Blogging |
2 |
Data projector |
2 |
- | - |
Dropbox Sync files online and across computers: ЈG |
2 |
- | - |
Etherpad Real-time document collaboration: FH |
2 |
44= | 72= |
eXe Course authoring tool: FD |
2 |
103= | 79= |
Filezilla FTP application: FD |
2 |
131= | 72= |
Gliffy Diagramming tool |
2 |
59= | 101= |
Google Sites Create web/wiki sites: FH |
2 |
- | - |
Greenshot Screenshot software: FD |
2 |
- | - |
HyperOffice Collaboration suite for small businesses: |
2 |
- | - |
iStockPhoto Photocollection: ЈD |
2 |
66= | - |
Joomla Portal engine and content management system: FD |
2 |
42= | 17= |
Mindmanager Mindjet Mindmapping software: ЈD |
2 |
59= | 101= |
MindMeister Mind mapping tool |
2 |
83= | - |
Movie Maker Create, edit and share home movies |
2 |
103= | 101= |
Mozy Online backup service |
2 |
83= | - |
Paint.NET Image/photo editing software: FD |
2 |
131= | 57= |
Picasa Photo organiser |
2 |
131= | - |
Posterous Place to post everything |
2 | |
83= | 72= |
Safari Web browser (desktop and mobile) |
2 | |
- | - |
SchoolTube Student video and media sharing |
2 | |
83= | 50= |
Scribd Document hosting/sharing |
2 |
- | - |
Shelfari Virtual bookshelves, rate and discuss books |
2 |
- | - |
Thinking Worlds Virtual environment, simulation and games authoring: Ј |
2 | |
- | - |
Tokbox Video messaging service |
2 | |
103= | - |
Toondoo Create/share comic strips |
2 | |
83= | - |
Twhirl Twitter desktop client |
2 | |
57= | 44= |
TypePad Blogging tool: ЈH |
2 | |
- | - |
Vimeo Video sharing site |
2 | |
- | - |
Vocaroo Record and send voice emails |
2 | |
131= | - |
Voki Create personalised speaking avatars |
2 | |
- | - |
Wallwisher Online noticeboard maker |
2 | |
- | - |
WizIQ Web conferencing tool: FH |
2 | |
- | - |
Xing Professional social network: FH |
2 |
- | - |
Yammer Private micro-blogging platform: FH |
2 | |
- | - |
Yola Website build: FH |
2 | |
44= | 57= |
Zoho Online office suite: FH |
2 |
126 onwards
Current ranking in 2009 |
2008 | 2007 |
Tool |
# |
126= |
- | - |
Fireshot Firefox extension that create screenshots of web pages: FD |
1.5 |
34 | 36= |
Google Maps Online mapping: FH |
1.5 |
66= | - |
Onenote Note sharing: ЈD |
Источник: c4lpt.co.uk