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Аноним к статье Как стать вампиром
2012-05-06 07:07:56

Могу прейти к тебе только ты должен хотеть этого

Аноним к статье Как стать вампиром
2012-05-06 07:06:23

я вампир уже как 53 года и 6 мес мне 15 лет я уехала от родителей в тот момент когда меня укусили. У меня такая жажда УкУсИтЬ человека и выпустить его душу.

Аноним к статье PokerStars лохотрон ???
2012-05-05 17:53:41

То, что описано, действительно работает! Только довольно тяжело приспособиться к такой игре, т.к. паттерны живут не более 2-3 кругов. А еще показалось, что после нескольких выигрышей подряд по паттернам нужно уходить со стола, т.к. ГСЧ начинает "мстить"

Аноним к статье Как свести татуировку?
2012-05-04 21:55:37

марганцовка не помогает. херня это все, все говорят выводили-выводили, а лично никого не видела у кого вывело. Я выводила , и ничего не помогло, был ожог 4 степени, кожа как уголь, ужасное зрелище. Потом все посходила а татуировка осталась. по этому не партесь по пустякам.

Аноним к статье Расшифровка татуировок осужденных
2012-05-03 11:24:36

колите- да будете заметны, сидите - да будет жизнь промотана! ваша такова судьба!

Аноним к статье PokerStars лохотрон ???
2012-05-02 22:17:03

Не получилось скопировать, слишком большой объем. В книге интересны последние главы, где раскрываются паттерны ГСЧ и суть лохотронской системы. now you should be familiar with the mathematically correct BEST
starting hands in Texas hold’em. You should be familiar with the betting
strategies that yield the largest winnings in $25 no limit hold’em in PS. You
should be familiar with adjusting those starting hands due to Poker Stars
“fairness policy.” You should be familiar with what to watch out for even
when it seems you have the most incredible hand. You should be familiar
that in order to be successful in PS you still have to cash out often, but when
you do, you have to be very patient with what the site will throw at you.
Now let’s talk about Poker Stars patterns.
Again, these patterns only seem to work in a Table with 8-10 players.
This book is not about heads up or playing with just 3 or 4 players.
These patterns also seem to hold true in other forms of poker as well as in
Poker Stars larger tournaments. (Limit Hold’em is fine especially when
getting started; it’s actually much safer).
PS distributes its winning and losing hands in patterns. You want a full,
loose table at all times. Below I am going to show you a sequence of wins
and losses. This has taken hours and I encourage you to test this out yourself
with play money first. Then test it out again with real money. Then go to
town. These patterns are predominant and are very easy to recognize.
There are several variables so take your time to learn this well.
Variable 1:
Is it possible for you to win every hand all the time in PS? Well, if everyone
folds every time except you then the answer is YES.
Variable 2:
Is it possible to lose every hand in PS? YES, just fold every time.
Variable 3
Second or third best hands can and do win in poker. It happens all the time
when someone bets enough money to get the other player out.
Wouldn’t it be nice to know that you have the best hand most of the time?
An online casinos algorithm is man made by a programmer.
A program (The algorithm) is responsible for the shuffling of the
cards. ALL programs have deterministic value. Therefore it is
possible to simulate randomness but NEVER to achieve it.
Poker Stars algorithm can be predictable sometimes.
The main patterns to look for repeat often in sets of three. For
example, you win the 9th hand from when you sit down. You will most likely
win the 18th hand and 27th hand (providing you bet on them). It’s also
possible for the pattern to win the 8th hand 16th hand and 24th hand. Etc, etc.
(Obviously at different times.)
All you have to do is note which hands you’ve won or would’ve won.
Of course you need loose enough tables that see most of the flops. Also, if
you have a table where people are coming and going constantly, this will
naturally affect the pattern.
The patterns come in sets of two’s all the way to sets of fives. Most of
the time, they are in sets of threes however.
In my experience, you have about the first 200 hands to be able to
consistently track the patterns. After that it is time to move into another
table. If the table your at is weak and your making a killing, then there’s no
reason to leave, just rely more on your playing abilities than the patterns
which may not be identifiable.
Also, patterns are trackable about 2/3 of the time. That means that if
you go to 3 tables and only stay at each table for 200 hands, you will be able
to track patterns on 2 out of those 3 tables.
This edge has helped me in tough situations and hits more than it
doesn’t hit. The pattern could be the 5th hand 10th hand 15th hand or the 12th
hand 24th hand 36th hand. Simply write down every hand and pay extreme
close attention.
Sometimes I will be in a table and I will recognize that the 7th hand
won, the 14th hand won and now I am on the 18th hand with pocket Aces. I
would be very hesitant to bet those Aces “All In” as I realize I am outside of
the tables’ pattern. If my pocket aces fell on the 21st hand I would be very
excited. Not only do I have a great hand, but I am also in line with the
repeatable patterns. In that example, the pattern is of 7’s. So 7th hand 14th
hand, 21st hand.
After the 21st hand I would expect to have to look for and note a
different pattern. It may jump to 12th hand 24th hand etc. As far as the pattern
is concerned I always start counting from the last hand I won.
I truly believe over time even in PS, you can only expect to have the
best hand 1 out of 10 times with 10 total players at the table. So if you win
the 4th hand 8th hand 12th hand and the 16th hand, you have had you share of
wins and may have to wait 50-200 hands to start winning again and get back
on a recognizable pattern. Usually it’s not that extreme, however it does
The pattern could be as small as every other hand winning 4 times in a
row. So the 2nd hand 4th hand 6th hand 8th hand all winning. Another thing to
note is when you win two hands in a row. When you’re at a table and
winning two hands in a row, that is another pattern and as you win again,
you will win two hands in a row quite often (providing your betting the
So, if I just won with my pocket jacks and now I have 8,10 suited, you
bet I am going to be willing to see a flop (if it’s cheap enough) even in early
I have found it’s most profitable to rely on the patterns and my good
play. If I have 2,5 off suit and I am in early position with a huge raise, I may
lay that hand down even if my notes indicate I am in a pattern hand. I prefer
to have as many things as possible go my way when it comes to a hand.
The patterns are just one more huge edge to add to your arsenal. It is
possible to only play patterns and not even bother looking at the cards, but
you have to be one patient and disciplined person to pull it off. The reason
why is you would only bet on the second pattern set (3rd potential win) each
time from your notes. Realistically you would only be betting on 8-10 hands
in a 2-3 hour period. For online that could seem very, very boring.
It’s also important to note that sometimes you will win in broken up
patterns of say 10 or 11. An example would be that the 10th hand wins then
the 20th then the 22nd then the 32nd and the 42nd. So you win in patterns of 10
but it is split up a little. If you can’t tell it’s a pattern and your hands not that
great, or there’s a huge pre-flop raise just get out of the hand. It doesn’t cost
anything to fold.
I win more money playing my tight, sound, aggressive game coupled
with pattern recognition then just doing either one alone. Not to mention I
have a great time doing it.
If you only win one extra hand per hour and lay down one extra hand
per hour, your outcomes will be vastly different and much more profitable.
It is important to note that there are sub cycles. Sub cycles are like
Win, Win or Tie, Loss, Win or Tie, Loss, Loss, Win. When these happen
you are most likely on a “payout” cycle. You’re usually better off playing
your hands and not the patterns in these situations. They can be very hard to
track. Winning many hands in a short time will surely be profitable
Let’s start with a real win/loss chart made up of several sessions.
For illustration purposes we are going to call ties Wins.
W = Win L = Loss
Session 1:
Hand 1 9d 9c Loss
2 3d 6c L
3 3h 9c L
4 8s 3c L
5 7s Jh L Big Blind
6 4c Kc L Small Blind
7 Kh 7d L Dealer
8 3d Js Win with a pair of 3’s
9 9s Qs L
10 2h Kc Win straight (possible win see below for
11 Ah 8c L
12 Ad Jc L
13 Kc 6s L BB
14 3h 10c L SB
15 7c Jh L Dlr
16 Qh 5d L
18 8d 4d L
19 3h 2h L
20 8d Ad ? folded to an all in PROBABLE WIN no flop
21 Kd Jh
22 9d Jh L
23 8d Kd Win tied with a straight
24 10h 8s L BB
25 9h 2d L SB
26 Ah 3s L Dlr
27 Kh 2d L
28 5c 9c L
29 5s Qc L
30 2h 8d L
31 Qh As Loss-played to flop (I would’ve played out if 10th
hand, I had an open end straight draw that DIDN’T hit by the
way.) It was the 8th hand from the last win. Will be explained
32 10c 4s L
33 10s 8c WINNER with a pair of 8’s (it’s clock work)
34 Js 3d L
35 Jd 2c L
36 Qd 7h Win 2 pair $52 pot
37 Qs 10h L
38 Ah 8h Win A’s
39 2h 10c L
40 3d 8d L
41 7s 4c Win Straight $47 pot Explanation below follow this
chart carefully
42 AA Loss Didn’t even call a $6 bet
43 3c 4s L
44 Js 10s L
45 7h 10h L
46 8s 6s L
47 8s 2s L
48 As 4c L
49 9d 10h L
50 8h 4h L
51 10d 10h L No set flopped, I folded would’ve lost anyways
52 9h 6s Winner Large preflop bet I folded Would’ve had
53 8s Jc L
54 Ah Jh Winner but I folded a $40 preflop bet (stay sane)
55 7h kc L
Session 2:
1 2D QC L
2 AD 5C Win
3 5H 10C L
4 7S8C L
6 8C 10H Win but folded
7 10D JD Win
8 4D 7C Win
9 10C 8S Win but I’m sure the hand was 2nd or 3rd best
10 8c 7s L
11 8S 10D L
12 3H 7H L
13 QS 7C L
14 2H 9H L
15 AC 5H L
16 10H 4H L
17 2c 10d L
18 5D 2H L
19 JS QS Tie (but folded) 10th win from last win!!!!
Whenever this happens you can bet I am going
to consider betting on the next tenth hand even
If I have something as terrible as an 8,3 offsuit.
(at least if I can get in with a cheap flop!!!)
20 KH JC L
21 4S 10C L
22 JC 3C L
23 3S 8D L
24 7S 9C L
25 5C 2D L
26 5H JH L
27 9H 8C L
29 KS 4S WIN – 10th hand again by the way!
30 10s 2s L
31 AS 10D L
32 9D4D L
33 5H7H L
34 QH 4C L
35 6S 2D L
36 4S JD L
37 3H 5S L
38 3C 4S L
39 7S JH TIE!!! 10th hand again by the way! Terrible
starting hand but I called to the flop and chased
ended up with a straight. Sometimes it takes a
few rounds to recognize the current pattern.
A great example would be that if a 4,9 off suit
would have won and it was the 12th hand since a
win, you can bet the farm that I would be willing
to see the flop on the following 12th hand even if I
had “rags.” Another important thing to note is that
a winning “pattern cycle” typically only lasts
a few times. Like 2-5 to be exact, and then it
switches to another cycle. So, you might have a
cycle that wins on the 10th hand 3 or 4 times in a
row, and then you might lose 15-20 hands, and
then you’ll probably have a few sub cycles, and
then the pattern will typically go to something like
every 12th hand or 11th hand, etc.
40 AS 5C L
41 AS 7H WOULD’VE WON but folded
42 10D QH L
43 4H 3H L
44 KC KH Win Do you recognize the sub cycle? The last 3
winning hands were 2 sub cycles. W L W and
W L L W !!!!!
45 10H 2S L
46 7S 5D L
47 3D 5S L
48 10H 9D Win This is a little tricky. Notice a W L L L W
sub cycle, This is ALSO the 9th hand won since
the last 10th hand cycle ended. Do you see that?
Keep reading, it should make sense. Always try
to be aware if you are in a sub cycle, a main
cycle, or rarely possibly both.
49 2C2H L
50 JD 5H L
51 6S 4C L
52 4D 10D L
53 10c 9s L
54 7d 9h L
55 9C JH L
56 QH 5C L
57 7S JD Win huge bonus because I paid attention to a
possible new main cycle. Sure enough it hit.
9th hand cycle again wins with a straight
and another “rags” starting hand.
58 JH 10H Win Another 10th hand Win
59 4S 6S L
60 JC 6S L
61 AC 8C Win Another sub cycle. W L L W
62 KC 5H L
63 10H 6S L
64 KS 3D L
65 5D 3D L
66 6S 5S Win I folded this hand due to a large pre flop
bet. But, I certainly paid attention that it was on
a 5th hand since a win and sure enough 5 hands
67 QD 5C L
68 QD JS L
69 AC 3S L
70 2S 6S L
71 6D 5S Win 5TH hand again. Not a very good starting
hand I must add. But who cares, it was in cycle,
and cheap enough for me to get a flop to watch
this hand develop into a full house and take out
a straight and a flush for the largest pot I won
in that night’s session!
72 10C 3S L
73 JH AS Win Sub cycle W L W Now the pattern fell
apart because it was hard to pick up on for
20- 30 or so hands as shown below.
74 4C AD L
75 KS 6H L
76 JD 7S L
77 4C 9C L
78 6S 9H L
79 2S 3H L
80 KH 9H Win but I believe it was lost so I paused
and bluffed a large bet. He folded. So I
am not sure if it was a true winner.
81 4H 2C W but no consistent identifiable pattern!
82 QD 7C L
83 10C 6D L
84 10D QD L
85 10D 8D L
86 2D 9D L
87 QH JS L
88 6C 10D L
89 10H 6C L
90 JD 3C L
91 7C 6D Win Phew, finally. I am still not 100% sure if I
am in pattern yet because the last two hands
won were very cloudy. My guess is obviously
10th or 11th cycle. We shall soon see it was the
11th and fortunately my 11th following hand
was a J,9 suited making it easier to get
involved with the hand!
92 2C 6D L
93 10S 7C L
94 8D 6D L
95 10H 8S L
96 3H 4S L
97 10H 4C L
98 QH 9D L
99 7H 7C L
100 JC 3S L
101 JH 7S L
102 JC 9C Win 11TH Hand
103 3S3H L
104 3H 9D L
105 9S JH L
106 3C AC L
107 9H 8D L
108 6S 10H L
109 9D AC L
110 JD 3C L
111 AS QC L
112 QS 2D L
113 10C 7S Win 11TH Hand
114 9H 3S L
115 6D 3D L
Session 3:
1 Kd 4s L
2 3s 3c L
3 2d 2s L
4 Ac 9h Win 4th Hand
5 QsJh Win 5th Hand
6 AsJd L
7 7s 3d Win 7th Hand
8 5c Qs Win 8th Hand Note how these wins came two in
a row each time. Always track from the first
win to the last. The pattern here is every 4th.
9 4c 3c L
10 6c Qh L
11 4c 2c L
12 Jh Ah Win 12th Hand so 4th 8th 12th
13 Kc Ks L knew this hand wouldn’t hit. I got in the flop
relatively cheap but when the flop had an Ace
on board I knew it was time to run.
14 Qc 8c L
15 2s 3d L
16 Qc Js Win 16th Hand so 4th 8th 12th 16th It’s interesting
to note that after a run like this. I am not
expecting to win many more hands for quite
some time. I also know that the patterns will be
some time before they surface as I am now most
likely in a “Pay In” cycle.
17 5s Kc L
18 6c 2c L
19 10d 9h L
20 9s 5s L
21 kc 9s L
22 Qs 2s L
23 4h Kd L
24 2s 5c L
25 4s 3d L
26 ks5s L
27 QdQs L Not a bad starter but I didn’t play it
agressively. Hand would’ve lost anyways.
28 5c 8c L
29 10h 8h L
30 10c 2h L
31 Js 3d L
32 7s Qh L
33 7s 3d L
34 6d 5d Possible win. I was in early position with a
decent raise so I didn’t play this hand. If I was
in an identifiable pattern, I would have
definitely given this hand a shot.
35 Ah 4s L
36 Kh 10h Win I was in mid position and with no huge
raises I correctly stayed in and even won.
Didn’t need a Pattern for that.
37 8c 10h L
38 4s 2s L
39 Ks 6h L
40 7s 10h L
41 4c 8h L
42 6d Js L
43 9c 3s L
44 4s 9s L
45 4d 5s L
46 3s 7d L
47 8s 9c L
48 2s 8c L
49 Jh 2c L
50 10h Ad L
51 8s Ad L
52 Ac Jh L
53 3c 8d L
54 4h 7d L
55 5d 2d L
56 Js Qd L
57 Jc 4d L
58 8c Ah L
59 2s 8c L
60 Jd Jh Win Not a trackable hand but in Mid position
with few raises this is a great hand.
61 6s 10d L
62 6c 3h L
63 9s Ad Win
64 Kc 6h L
65 Jh Qd L
66 5c Kh L
67 Jh Qd L
68 5c Kh L
69 8c Kh L
70 5s 2s L
71 Jd 8h L
72 Ac Qs Win
73 Qs 2s L
74 3h 2h L
75 10s Ad L
76 3d 9c The rest of the hands at this table only had one
more trackable pattern at the 147th hand which
was two wins in patterns of 10. If the patterns
dissolve it’s still fine to stay in the game if the
players are weak.
Session 4:
1 Kh 2c L
2 5h 8s L
3 Ad 10s L
4 10d 2c L
5 9h 3s L
6 2s 3c L
7 3h 6d L
8 Qc 3d L
9 7s 6s L
10 Qc Kc L
11 Qd 4s L
12 2s 7c L
13 Js 9c Win 13th
14 Js 2h L
15 3h Ac L
16 4s 9h L
17 10s Qc L
18 Js 5s L
19 10c 4c L
20 6c 7c L
21 As 8s L
22 Ah 8h L
23 Jh 2c L
24 Js 8d Win This was a late position hand, and
although it’s the 25th hand and not the 26th
hand like a pattern would suggest, I had
a strong feeling it would win because several
players had come and gone. When that happens
the pattern can definitely be thwarted a little
bit. It is definitely something to keep in mind.
25 5d 3d L
26 Qd Ad L
27 6c Kh L
28 9d 10s L
29 5h 7d
30 Kh 4c Win. I didn’t play these rags, but it would’ve
been a full boat. Not in pattern.
31 QcQs Loss
32 10s 10d Loss
33 Qh 5h L
34 5s 10s Win. I didn’t play this garbage as I was also
in early position.
35 Ac 2d L
36 2h 10s L
37 10h Kc L
38 8h 3h Win. I didn’t play this either but it would’ve
won to make a flush. I smiled though because
I knew that this was a 4th 8th hand and sure
enough I played my 12th hand which was
marginal at best and not in a good position.
39 2c 9h L
40 2s 9s L
41 3s 5s L
42 8h Qd Win this was the 12th hand from a 4th 8th 12th
43 7d 2s L
44 4d 5s L
45 4h 9c L
46 10h 10c Win. A great hand good position and in
pattern. I won a great pot with it too.
Approximately 80 hands later I had one more pattern run in
increments of 12 and that was it for that table. This definitely takes some
practice. You can do it on play money for free until you get the hang of it.
Chapter 8
Again, it is possible to see a losing streak of 50-200 or so losses, especially
when you are really up a lot of winnings that you cash out. So watch out.
You have to be very patient with poker. Whether it’s online or offline, some
nights might not yield a single winning hand. If you are on a PS “pay in”
cycle, you might wait hours before you see a hand that would absolutely
Remember, it’s possible to win every hand or lose every hand depending on
who folds and who stays in. That’s called LUCK.
But for YOU and I, let’s rely on skill coupled with patterns that repeat
OVER and OVER and OVER again!
It’s imperative that you practice this for hours. You will begin to get a
feel for these patterns like second nature. I started writing them down for a
long time to force myself to pay attention. I strongly recommend you do the
same thing.
Even when I am in a main cycle, I will not always call an all in. It’s
not worth it. Patterns can and will help your game play, but use them in
conjunction with all of your other skills.
Don’t hurt yourself by going all in and losing and then having to wait
a hand before you can buy in again. I don’t know if that’s a flaw in PS, but
you need to see every starting hand you have to track your cycles.
These cycles hold true a large percentage of the time when I play in a
full or near full table, so do yourself a favor and perfect being able to spot
Remember when I talked about sticking to the starting hand chart 96%
of the time? Well, patterns are where the 4% comes in.
We have covered the following topics:
Mastering Position (more crucial in No Limit)
Playing the right starting hands
Knowing how to bet (fold, check, bet, check-raise, re-raise, etc)
Knowing your opponents
Taking notes on your opponents
Knowing the odds of hitting your hand
Are you drawing with odds in your favor?
Narrowing the field
Reading your opponents hands
Changing gears
Playing sound but unpredictable
Blocking out Distractions
Pattern Tracking
Now it is time to put the strategies to use.
Here are a few questions that have come up that hopefully these answers will
Change tables after 200 hands because it can be hard to identify new
patterns. It seems easy to recognize them when you start over on a clean
slate. Also, if you have a table that is folding a lot of hands, it can be very
hard to identify absolute wins and losses, because even though you may
have won the hand, it may have been the 2nd best hand if someone would
have stayed in until the end! If you want a loose table just look for the
highest pot averages.
The great news of that, is the fact that a tight player may be the one who
keeps folding the absolute best hand pre-flop. You may be the second best
and think you’re in a pattern. You may even keep winning each time
because of the tight players actions. Keep that in mind as it can go both
By "reward the raiser" I mean raising the pot. If you get raised with a good
hand that you are in pattern, then re-raise.
If you are playing a $25 no limit table and you have say $125 at the table
(meaning you are up $100) then get ready for some bad beats to happen to
you. So my advice is to cash 25% of your money out of the casino and to
change tables and to be extremely patient as you may have to wait 50-200
or so hands to get back onto pattern, or even to consistently win a few
Sometimes it is hard to figure out if you’re in a sub pattern or a main
pattern, but the best part of that is when they intersect. Like a sub pattern
of the 5th hand and a main pattern of every 10th hand So on the 20th hand
you have dual patterns, and can expect great results a large percentage of
the time.
If your disciplined and patient enough, you can hope to win an extra 4-10
hands a night using this system. Those 4-10 hands can make a huge
difference in your financial outcomes especially on a no limit table.
***** This system does NOT work on larger denomination no limit tables. The
reason is simple. You will not see very many flops. Therefore, it will become
difficult, if not impossible to track patterns. I have found loose games with lots of
flops all the way up to $5/$10 limit play and up to $50 NO Limit play. So do yourself
a favor and play on loose tables that have a lot of flops. They are out there all the
1. Patterns and cycles are simply another edge that can make a huge
difference in your outcomes.
2. ****This system is designed to help you win an
extra 3-5 hands per 2-3 hour session and that's
3. This system is designed to help you also not lose an extra 5-10 hands
per session as well, by being prudent and laying down incredible starters
like k,k A,ks when you are out of cycle, pattern, and position.
4. When I say cash out, I mean withdrawing funds from the casino, and
then re-depositing. There’s no reason to cash out your entire bankroll.
Typically it’s best to cash out 25%.
5. This system is based on Poker Stars algorithm. (A fancy word for
shuffling process.) Playing poker is not my full time job anymore, because I
am involved in several businesses. I have many hobbies and interests in
life, and poker is just one of them. I wrote this book because I feel people
need to know that in my opinion, Poker Stars algorithm is not truly random.
The sub patterns that exist are also truly beyond random in my opinion.
6. I am not concerned if Poker Stars or any other poker casino is
investigating me because there is nothing wrong or illegal with
using this system.
7. I only discovered these patterns because I was truly sick of winning
$400-$500 in a night and then losing all or most of it the next night due to
unexplainable BAD BEATS. This went on for what seemed like ages. It
seemed like I could never get ahead, and now I know why!
8. I hope this has helped you. and I would love a testimonial from you
providing that you can make the system work too.
I hope you find exceptional value from this book, as it could pay for
itself many times over. I will put you on my revision list so that you can
learn the newest tactics I discover at NO CHARGE for 6 MONTHS
This is not a very large book because it is simply the guts. Absorb this
and you could crack Poker Stars TOO. Remember Poker Stars is interested
in one thing. That is their rakes. Their algorithm produces the most money
possible. You’ll be able to witness some extraordinary things on PS. Like
when a player who has $10 goes all in with 7,8 off suit and 2 people call
with AA and KK only to watch the all in player get 4 8’s. Happens quite
I can’t tell you what a good feeling it is to get positive feedback from
someone like yourself who applies the knowledge of this book and makes it
happen for them selves. I love success stories, so please share them with me.
I recommend that you spend no less than 40 hours of playing with
“Play Money” mastering these techniques before going to ‘real money.”
Even on Real money, start on .02/.04 limit or .05/.10 limit. You have to be
very disciplined to play this way, and for some of you, it might take awhile
to change from your normal playing patterns. I hope to see you on the tables
soon with the new strategies provided in this book.
Best of knowledge
Robert Eagle

Аноним к статье PokerStars лохотрон ???
2012-05-02 22:12:41

Попробую скопировать сюда из pdf книгу Роберта Игла, в которой он раскрывает основные принципы, на которых основан лохотрон Poker Stars
Книга называется “POKERSTARS Cracked”. Книгу можно найти в интернете в бесплатном доступе (если хорошо погуглить), но сейчас не вспомню, где ее нашел.

This BOOK is copy written. We are selling a limited number of copies
and ask that you don’t share this information with anyone.
All Rights Reserved
Robert Eagle 2004 United States of America
Unless otherwise noted, all materials contained in this document
are copyrighted and may not be used except as provided under
these terms and conditions. This document is for personal use only
and is not to be redistributed, sold or copied without the author’s
explicit permission.
Version 4.03 Venetian Publishing INC
Poker is an amazing game. It allows you to have many freedoms with
virtually any style of play that you choose. Your personality definitely and
inevitably comes out on the board. The reality is however that there are only
a few playing methods that will ever achieve profitability. Many poker
players that play often and with the same people can become very
predictable. But, it’s the best players that are the one’s who always keep you
guessing. They change gears continually and unpredictably. Just when you
think they are bluffing, they are holding the nuts. Just when you think they
have an incredible hand they are holding a hand that isn’t worth the ink
printed on the cards. After it’s all said and done they are the ones holding the
chips and you might be the one left holding the bag.
This book is based on a system that has helped yours truly become
highly successful in the world of online poker. As it turns out the system is
strictly for PokerStars.com because of the algorithm (shuffling pattern).
However, this book can help you become successful in poker on virtually
any online casino. The reason is that I will touch on all points of playing
winning poker. The last part of this book is devoted to gaining an
additional edge (a mind blowing edge, good thing you found this book)
on Poker Stars that to my knowledge you can’t get anywhere else!!! Did
you know that only 5% of all poker players ever make money consistently? I
don’t say, “win” money because “win” implies luck. Yes poker has some
luck, but skill and odds will overcome luck all the time.
Winning gambling is all about having an edge. If you don’t have an
edge and you still want to gamble you might as well take your entire
bankroll and head to Vegas. Don’t waste any time, just hop onto a roulette
table and bet the entire amount on “black”. You almost have a 50/50 chance
of winning minus the Houses “edge” of course and see what happens. At
least it would save time for some of the poker players I have seen. They
would get even better odds doing that than they would ever get playing
I don’t recommend you do anything like that of course, but it’s an
interesting point. Winners take educated risks, not blind ones. A winner in
poker is the one who has the chips and nothing else. It’s not the pots, it’s not
the ego, it is the chips. No matter what your playing level, there is something
in this book that can and will improve your game if properly applied. Let’s
learn how to make and keep those chips.
Let me assure you that it is totally possible to make money on Poker
Stars.com without the use of this system. However using sound tight
aggressive play coupled with this pattern system can give you an edge unlike
no other. This edge can be unparalleled and can make a huge difference in
your outcomes.
The first part of this book is devoted to bringing you up to par and
helping you to become the great online player you should be if you’re not
already. The second part is how to turn Poker Stars algorithm (shuffling
pattern) greatly in your favor.
“Poker Stars Cracked”
This is what you have been waiting for so let’s get right to it. This is
not some 400-page book that will bore you. It is designed to be brief,
effective, and to be easily mastered.
Please note the Poker Charts, as you should refer to them often while
reading this and playing. I personally have it printed out and taped to the
wall next to my computer for easy reference when I gamble online.
When I go to the casino and play limit Texas Hold’em I usually win 4
out of 5 times. I play tight and aggressive. When I first started playing online
I couldn’t believe how diverse the players and the cards were. I was winning
1 out of 5 sessions online. What a joke I thought. I know I am good but why
am I losing so much?
Please note, that this book is based on my experience and opinion of
Poker Stars. I am not, nor have ever been affiliated or employed by any
casino or any online casino at any time!
When utilizing the information presented in this book, you agree to do
so at your own risk. The author and other parties affiliated assume no
liability in the outcomes of your gambling.
I would like to assure you, that if you only learn and retain just a few
of the strategies in this book, it can more than pay for itself. I think you will
have a much better time playing online poker with this knowledge.
Get your priorities straight. In my opinion, the ONLY thing that
matters in poker is winning chips. It’s not singling a player out and having
an ego battle. It’s not losing most hands just to say you were strong enough
to stay in. The only winners at the end of any session are the ones who walk
away with more chips than they started with!
Please do yourself a favor and focus on learning the repeating pattern
cycles. The only way to do that effectively is to write down every starting
hand you have and keep track of ALL of your wins and losses.
I strongly recommend doing this on PLAY MONEY FIRST for at least
40 hours. It will be time well spent and will really prepare you for REAL
MONEY with these new strategies!!!!
I must stress that in real life, playing no limit poker, I would not
dream of using some of these strategies. Although, I am not a known
professional poker player, I am definitely good enough to make a great
living playing poker.
You are most likely aware (mathematically) of how to properly bet
with certain hands in Hold'em.
Please remember this book is a strategy to use Poker Stars’ flawed
algorithm (shuffling pattern) against it. That means sometimes betting on
rags (garbage hands), and sometimes placing improper betting amounts.
That means this system is SOMETIMES diametrically opposed to real life
betting strategies in some situations.
Have no fear, because not only does this system work, but you can
also test this on play money for as long as it takes, before you get the hang
of it. Certain positions, you should gladly lay down even pocket Aces. I
know that must sound crazy, but the only way for you to realize those
situations is to practice using these strategies.
Most of the time, you are going to want to use sound playing methods,
BUT if you want to take advantage sometimes you will not.
If you enjoy playing poker on Poker Stars.com and have discovered
the undeniable level of uncertainty in securing more consistent victories,
then please allow me to assure you that NOT everything is random about
Poker Stars.
In fact, the only thing that is consistent in online gaming is the fact
that it is not always truly random. The cards follow undeniable patterns over
and over again. In my opinion, this algorithm ensures that online gaming
continues to attract and retain the largest percentage of players.
Not only could you increase your winnings per session when playing
No Limit Texas Hold'em on Poker Stars.com, but also you could minimize
your losses by applying this knowledge.
This book can help you win consistently when gambling online,
playing ALL TYPES of poker on ALL TYPES of online casinos. After
applying the principles in this book you should be much better off and find
your way to the top.
Table of Contents
Part 1 Pages
Chapter 1 The differences between online poker, 9-16
casino poker, and home games.
Chapter 2 The graph and betting / odds 17-21
for LIMIT Hold’em
Chapter 3 Position 22-23
Chapter 4 Limit verses No Limit 24
Chapter 5 Other Tips 25-27
Chapter 6 No Limit Strategy

Аноним к статье PokerStars лохотрон ???
2012-05-02 22:06:50

Сетевой лохотрон

Чуть ли не каждый день органы прокуратуры и МВД отчитываются о разоблачении подпольных казино. Правда, для этого потребовалось, чтобы президент РФ лично показал Генеральному прокурору, где их искать: оказывается, все адреса были размещены в Интернете, надо было только его открыть. Примечательно и то, чуть ли не каждый день по телевизору показывают глобальный проект по приучению россиян к азартным играм. Но очевидно, прежде чем правоохранительные органы до него доберутся, президент должен будет научить их пользоваться телевизором.

О том, что не только подпольные казино для посвященных, но и запрещенные игровые залы найти и в столице, и в любом крупном городе страны не проблема, было неизвестно, наверное, только правоохранительным органам. Но президент России Дмитрий Медведев, наконец, открыл им глаза, показав Генеральному прокурору Юрию Чайке ссылку на сайт gdecasino.ru. «Есть специальный сайт «Где казино?». Он содержит огромный список городов и указания, где находятся казино», - сообщил Медведев на встрече с Чайкой 14 марта. В своем iPad президент открыл этот сайт и продемонстрировал генпрокурору, что там указаны адреса сотен нелегальных казино с указанием о размещении их на карте. В качестве примера он привел несколько адресов в Санкт-Петербурге.

И уже на следующий день генпрокурор дал подчиненным поручение провести дополнительные проверки. На сайте ведомства упоминается также интернет-ресурс forumcasino.ru, сведения с которого сотрудникам прокуратуры также рекомендовано проверить. С тех пор органы прокуратуры и МВД чуть ли не ежедневно отчитываются об обнаружении и закрытии новых игровых залов и подпольных клубов.

На этом фоне поражает, что самый главный игровой клуб страны ежедневно показывают по телевизору. Передачи сопровождаются активной рекламной компанией, призывающей россиян подключаться к игре в Интернете и обещающей участие в турнирах чуть ли не с миллионными выигрышами.

Возможно десятки тысяч профессиональных и начинающих игроков в покер будут яростно доказывать, что эта игра отнюдь не рулетка и не однорукий бандит… Здесь не все зависит от удачи, но кое-что и от интеллекта. Возможно, что все это так, но были бы они в этом так уверены, если б знали, что их любимый сайт «Pokerstars» - обычный лохотрон.

Благодаря активной рекламной кампании в Интернете и на телевидении, обещающей быстрое и легкое обогащение, проект приобрел массу участников. Одновременно на сайте могут находиться до 300 тысяч посетителей, из которых около 50-60 тысяч человек – из России.

Конечно, многие приходят сюда поиграть на интерес, но организаторы игры всеми силами стараются заманить их на игру на «живые» деньги. В итоге игроки в сумме оставляют здесь ежедневно миллионы рублей. При этом мало кто задумывается, куда уходят эти деньги. Странно, что не задумываются об этом и правоохранительные органы, а ведь компания, массово собирающая деньги с россиян, зарегистрирована в оффшоре, который за свою предпринимательскую деятельность в России не платит никаких налогов.

Более того, «Pokerstars» фактически официально занимается мошенничеством. Выплачивая минимальные суммы выигрышей, компания отказывается от выплат сумм превышающих пару тысяч долларов. Защищать же свои права игроки могут лишь в суде острова Мэн, как это предусматривают правила регистрации на сайте. Трудно представить, что игрок, вложивший в игру 100-200 долларов и действительно претворивший рекламные обещания в жизнь, полетит на неизвестный ему остров отстаивать свои права, после того как его «кинули» в Интернете.

Как рассказал нам игрок сайта Александр Сафьянов, пока суммы его проигрышей и выигрышей укладывались в диапазон 100-500 долларов, все шло нормально. «Выплаты в размере 1000-3000 рублей производятся сайтом без проблем. Даже подозрений не закрадывается, что тебя могут «надуть». Но раз я выиграл 5000 долларов, и попытался снять выигрыш. Вот тут меня и «обломили». Они заявили, что игра шла нечестная, а потому выплачивать выигрыш отказались и просто заблокировали аккаунт. Как можно нечестно играть на сайте, где за соблюдением правил следит программа? А доказывать свою правоту надо ехать на остров Мэн, куда одна дорога обойдется в кругленькую сумму. …»

Тем временем активная рекламная кампания сайта продолжается и в Интернете, и на телевидении. На двух российских федеральных каналах под эгидой «Pokerstars» идут рекламные шоу-турниры, завлекающие россиян в сети игрового бизнеса. Причем, привлекая посетителей на свой сайт, «Pokerstars» поставляет и игроков для подпольных казино, так как телепередачу могут посмотреть все, а доступ в Интернет, есть все же не у каждого телезрителя. Таким образом, свое желание поиграть многие вынуждены реализовывать именно в подпольных клубах.

Странно, что никто этого не замечает, хотя подобные лохотроны в стране как будто запрещены. Видимо придется ждать, следующей встречи президента с генеральным прокурором, где президент покажет, как пользоваться телевизором и предложит прокуратуре подумать о том, как справиться с подобными игровыми сайтами в Интернете и их агрессивной рекламой на телевидении.


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Аноним к статье Расчет пола будущего ребенка
2012-05-02 21:43:36

У меня совпало две дочки)))) Только по этой таблице, с стальными не совпадает. Жду третьего. По таблице мальчик))) Как узнаю напишу..

Аноним к статье "Одноклассники" удаляют анкеты без предупреждения
2012-05-02 19:50:01

Люди добрые! Помогите! Не пойму почему не могу зайти со своего ноута в одноклассники. Пишут, что страница заблокирована. Но с другого компа прописывая свои данные захожу без проблем. Что нужно сделать? Создать новую страничку не могу.

Аноним к статье PokerStars лохотрон ???
2012-05-02 10:54:12

был бы фальшивым-а то самый настоящий жидолохотрон и самосабой его не прикроют

Аноним к статье Стань невидимкой в “Одноклассниках”
2012-05-02 07:59:37

не люблю одноклассники - за раздел "Гости"...я не вижу ничего плохого в том, чтобы посмотреть страницы знакомых.... для этого люди и вылаживают фотки - чтобы их смотрели...!!! Но все равно, есть разные люди в друзьях, разного возраста и должностей, поэтому как-то не очень хочеться, чтобы они "спалили" визиты....(((( Поэтому - я за "контакт"

Аноним к статье PokerStars лохотрон ???
2012-05-01 22:27:22

На покерстарс мы играем против программы:
1) если вы выиграли достаточно много в последнее время, программа включает заднюю передачу и любыми способами отбирает выигранные деньги обратно. Если ты очень осторожный игрок, программа даст тебе премиум хенды несколько раздач подряд, а одному или нескольким наиболее активным фишам за столом - карты, которые переедут твои премиум хенды
2) если вы проиграли больше нормы, программа включает переднюю передачу - дает тебе много везения, чтобы ты немного восстановил банкролл и не проиграл быстро.
Игра по паттернам (тем, что я знаю) пока не дает играть в хороший плюс, т.к., чем больше я обманываю программу, скидывая префлоп АА и др премиум хенды в тех случаях, когда я не в паттерне и знаю, что меня 100% переедут, тем больше подстав программа начинает раздавать. Если я скидываю подставные хенды префлоп, находясь не в паттерне, программа возвращает свое, давая мне на флопе второй натс, который на ривере переезжается более высоким натсом. Причем чем больше раз удалось обмануть программу, тем более часто раздаются такие подставы. Думаю, для игры в хороший плюс нужно открыть дополнительные паттерны, для этого нужно следить за игрой игроков с очень высоким рейтингом, но при этом не входящих в команду покерстарс. С командой покерстарс мне все ясно - они выигрывают только потому, что им ГСЧ не раздает в таком количестве подстав. А вот расшифровать игру неизвестных суперплюсовых игроков было бы полезно. Хотя, возможно, это тоже приближенные к руму игроки...

Аноним к статье PokerStars лохотрон ???
2012-05-01 18:11:43

stephan13k - это ник чела, который на NL0.05/0.1 (9 max кэш) в ответ на префлоп рейз и ререйз двух тайтовых оппов, имея карманные карты 93 (!!!), пошел олл-ин на стек $7 и выиграл с двумя парами против премиум хэндов обоих игроков. Пробивал его тогда на ПТР - он имел рейтинг 56, т.е. играл в плюс. Для меня нет сомнений, что он точно знал, что выиграет. Кто его сможет найти на старзах, понаблюдайте за его игрой, возможно, он пользуется паттернами ГСЧ

Аноним к статье PokerStars лохотрон ???
2012-05-01 17:16:20

Нужна очень большая база рук, чтобы определить эти паттерны, а они есть по-любому. Играю давно - знаю о чем говорю. Я скоро буду начинать искать паттерны (счас пока что времени нет). Предлагаю искать паттерны на каком-либо руме (можно на PS) у меня где-то на компе есть майнинг на очень солидное к-во рук (в HM импортировалось может час). Какой твой емаил? Напиши - поговорим. Если надо скину тебе этот майнинг чтоб те было проще искать, а потом и я подключусь. Правда у меня есть предположение, что даже это может закончится провалом: при обновлении софта покеррума не стоит исключать то, что и паттерны также обновляются. Иными словами - после обновления софта те паттерны, которые работали вчера, не будут работать сегодня, зато будут работать другие... И наоборот - после последующего обновления те паттерны, которые не работали, начнут работать вновь, а работающие идут в отпуск и т. д. по кругу. А т.к. паттернов много - то неизвестно будет, какие в данный момент работают - а какие нет. Но попробовать найти можно - если их найти то наварить можно как тот наноноко - а с такими деньгами не пропадешь нигде! Один ведь раз живем.

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